
eelbrain.table.stats(y, row, col=None, match=None, sub=None, fmt='%.4g', funcs=('mean',), data=None, title=None, caption=None, format=True)

Make a table with statistics

  • y (Var) – Dependent variable.

  • row (Factor | Interaction | NestedEffect | str) – Model specifying rows

  • col (Factor | Interaction | NestedEffect | str) – Model specifying columns.

  • match (Factor | Interaction | NestedEffect | str) – Identifier for repeated measures data; aggregate within subject before computing statistics.

  • sub (Var | ndarray | str) – Only use part of the data.

  • fmt (str) – How to format values.

  • funcs (Sequence[str | Callable]) – A list of statistics functions to show (all functions must take an array argument and return a scalar; strings are interpreted as numpy functions).

  • data (Dataset) – If a Dataset is provided, y, row, and col can be strings specifying members.

  • title (str | List[str] | FMTextElement | FMTextConstant) – Table title.

  • caption (str | List[str] | FMTextElement | FMTextConstant) – Table caption.

  • format (bool) – Return a formatted table (instead of a Dataset)


Table with statistics.

Return type:



>>> data = datasets.get_uts()
>>> table.stats('Y', 'A', 'B', data=data)
     b0        b1
a0   0.1668    -0.3646
a1   -0.4897   0.8746
>>> table.stats('Y', 'A', data=data, funcs=['mean', 'std'])
Condition   Mean     Std
a0          0.6691   1.37
a1          0.8596   1.192