Eelbrain 0.40
Open-source Python toolkit for MEG and EEG data analysis, including:
Mass-univariate permutation tests
Temporal Response Function estimator for fitting single-trial time series models
Pipeline for M/EEG group level analysis
Interactive plots and GUIs for ICA and trial selection
See also
GitHub: Wiki, Discussions and Issues
Mailing list for announcements
Eelbrain on the Python Package Index
To cite Eelbrain, find the appropriate DOI. Eelbrain relies on NumPy, Numba, Cython, SciPy, Matplotlib, MNE-Python, PySurfer, WxPython, and incorporates icons from the Tango Desktop Project.
Eelbrain is maintained by Christian Brodbeck at McMaster University. Current funding: NSF 2207770 (2023-); NSF 2043903 (2021-); Past funding: NSF 1754284 (2020-2021); NIH R01-DC-014085 (2016-2020); NYU Abu Dhabi Institute G1001 (2011-2016).