
class eelbrain.SourceSpace(vertices, subject=None, src=None, subjects_dir=None, parc='aparc', connectivity='custom', name='source', filename='{subject}-{src}-src.fif')

MNE surface-based source space

  • vertices (List[ArrayLike]) – The vertex identities of the dipoles in the source space. Specified as a list of two integer arrays, identifying the vertices in the left and the right hemisphere separately. Can include an empty list in case no vertices are present in a hemisphere.

  • subject (str) – The mri-subject name.

  • src (str) – The kind of source space used (e.g., ‘ico-4’; only ico is currently supported.

  • subjects_dir (PathArg) – The path to the subjects_dir (needed to locate the source space file).

  • parc (Union[Factor, str]) – Add a parcellation to the source space to identify vertex location. Only applies to ico source spaces, default is ‘aparc’. Use None to initialize without parcellation.

  • connectivity (ConnectivityArg) – Connectivity between elements. Set to "none" for no connections or "grid" to use adjacency in the sequence of elements as connection. Set to numpy.ndarray to specify custom connectivity. The array should be of shape (n_edges, 2), and each row should specify one connection [i, j] with i < j, with rows sorted in ascending order. If the array’s dtype is uint32, property checks are disabled to improve efficiency.

  • name (str) – Dimension name (default "source").

  • filename (str) – Filename template for the MNE source space file.

  • coordinates (array (n_sources, 3)) – Spatial coordinate for each source.

  • normals (array (n_sources, 3)) – Orientation (direction) of each source.

  • parc (Factor) – Parcellation (one label for each source).

See also


volume source space


besides numpy indexing, the following indexes are possible:

  • mne Label objects

  • ‘lh’ or ‘rh’ to select an entire hemisphere


circular_index(seeds[, extent, name])

Return an index into all vertices closer than extent of a seed


Create source space connectivity


Convert a dimension index to an array index

from_file(subjects_dir, subject, src[, ...])

SourceSpace dimension from MNE source space file

from_mne_source_spaces(source_spaces, src, ...)

SourceSpace dimension from mne.SourceSpaces object


Read the corresponding MNE source space


Return the index for a label


Index into a subset dimension

intersect(dim[, check_dims])

Create a Source dimension that is the intersection with dim


Load surface coordinates for any FreeSurfer surface