Compare topographies

This example shows how to compare EEG topographies, based on the method described by McCarthy & Wood [1].

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4
from eelbrain import *

Simulated data

Generate a simulated dataset (as in the T-test example)

dss = []
for subject in range(10):
    # generate data for one subject
    ds = datasets.simulate_erp(seed=subject)
    # average across trials to get condition means
    ds_agg = ds.aggregate('predictability')
    # add the subject name as variable
    ds_agg[:, 'subject'] = f'S{subject:02}'

ds = combine(dss)
# make subject a random factor (to treat it as random effect for ANOVA)
ds['subject'].random = True
# Re-reference the EEG data (i.e., subtract the mean of the two mastoid channels):
ds['eeg'] -= ds['eeg'].mean(sensor=['M1', 'M2'])
#   n    cloze     predictability   n_chars   subject
0   40   0.88051   high             5         S00
1   40   0.17241   low              5         S00
2   40   0.89466   high             4.95      S01
3   40   0.13778   low              4.975     S01
4   40   0.90215   high             5.05      S02
5   40   0.12206   low              4.975     S02
6   40   0.88503   high             5.2       S03
7   40   0.14273   low              4.875     S03
8   40   0.90499   high             5.075     S04
9   40   0.15732   low              5.025     S04
NDVars: eeg

The simulated data in the two conditions:

p = plot.TopoArray('eeg', 'predictability', data=ds, columns=1, axh=2, axw=10, t=[0.120, 0.200, 0.280], head_radius=0.35)
high, low

Test between conditions

Test whether the 120 ms topography differs between the two cloze conditions. The dataset already includes one row per cell (i.e., per cloze condition and subject). Consequently, we can just index the topography at the desired time point:

topography = ds['eeg'].sub(time=0.120)
# normalize the data in accordance with McCarth & Wood (1985)
topography = normalize_in_cells(topography, 'sensor', 'predictability', ds)
# "melt" the topography NDVar to turn the sensor dimension into a Factor
ds_topography = table.melt_ndvar(topography, 'sensor', ds=ds)
# Note EEG is a single column, and the last column indicates the sensor
# n cloze predictability n_chars subject eeg sensor
0 40 0.88051 high 5 S00 -1.0472 Fp1
1 40 0.17241 low 5 S00 -1.6285 Fp1
2 40 0.89466 high 4.95 S01 -1.8116 Fp1
3 40 0.13778 low 4.975 S01 -1.1225 Fp1
4 40 0.90215 high 5.05 S02 -0.79215 Fp1
5 40 0.12206 low 4.975 S02 -1.2248 Fp1
6 40 0.88503 high 5.2 S03 -1.7696 Fp1
7 40 0.14273 low 4.875 S03 -1.5956 Fp1
8 40 0.90499 high 5.075 S04 -0.87992 Fp1
9 40 0.15732 low 5.025 S04 -1.3036 Fp1

ANOVA to test whether the effect of predictability differs between sensors:

test.ANOVA('eeg', 'predictability * sensor * subject', data=ds_topography)
SS df MS MSdenom dfdenom F p
predictability 0.00 1 0.00 3.47 9
sensor 1295.78 64 20.25 0.07 576 307.06*** < .001
predictability x sensor 4.22 64 0.07 0.06 576 1.17 .182
Total 1427.13 1299

The non-significant interaction suggests that the effect of predictability does not differ between sensors, i.e., the topographies do not differ, which is consistent with being generated by the same underlying neural sources.

Test two time points

Since we’re not interested in condition here, we first average across conditions, i.e., with the goal of having one row per subject:

ds_average = ds.aggregate('subject', drop_bad=True)
#   n    cloze     n_chars   subject
0   40   0.52646   5         S00
1   40   0.51622   4.9625    S01
2   40   0.51211   5.0125    S02
3   40   0.51388   5.0375    S03
4   40   0.53115   5.05      S04
5   40   0.52163   4.9125    S05
6   40   0.53789   5.0625    S06
7   40   0.52491   4.8625    S07
8   40   0.52464   5.2125    S08
9   40   0.52559   5         S09
NDVars: eeg

In order to compare two time points, we need to construct a new dataset with time point as Factor:

dss = []
for time in [0.120, 0.280]:
    ds_time = ds_average['subject',]  # A new dataset with the 'subject' variable only
    ds_time['eeg'] = ds_average['eeg'].sub(time=time)
    ds_time[:, 'time'] = f'{time*1000:.0f} ms'
ds_times = combine(dss)
Key Type Values
subject Factor S00:2, S01:2, S02:2, S03:2, S04:2, S05:2, S06:2, S07:2, S08:2, S09:2 (random)
eeg NDVar 65 sensor; -5.94897e-06 - 6.29462e-06
time Factor 120 ms:10, 280 ms:10
None: 20 cases

Then, normalize the data in accordance with McCarth & Wood (1985)

topography = normalize_in_cells('eeg', 'sensor', 'time', data=ds_times)
# "melt" the topography NDVar to turn the sensor dimension into a Factor
ds_topography = table.melt_ndvar(topography, 'sensor', ds=ds_times)
# Note EEG is a single column, and the last column indicates the sensor
# subject time eeg sensor
0 S00 120 ms -1.3349 Fp1
1 S01 120 ms -1.4756 Fp1
2 S02 120 ms -1.0063 Fp1
3 S03 120 ms -1.6869 Fp1
4 S04 120 ms -1.0898 Fp1
5 S05 120 ms -0.96896 Fp1
6 S06 120 ms -1.275 Fp1
7 S07 120 ms -1.2256 Fp1
8 S08 120 ms -1.0718 Fp1
9 S09 120 ms -1.2788 Fp1

Plot the topographies before and after normalization:

p = plot.Topomap('eeg', 'time', data=ds_times, columns=2, title="Original", head_radius=0.35)
p = plot.Topomap(topography, 'time', data=ds_times, columns=2, title="Normalized", head_radius=0.35)
  • Original, 120 ms, 280 ms
  • Normalized, 120 ms, 280 ms

Compre the topographies with the ANOVA – test whether the effect of time differs between sensors:

test.ANOVA('eeg', 'time * sensor * subject', data=ds_topography)
SS df MS MSdenom dfdenom F p
time 0.00 1 0.00 15.34 9
sensor 1263.85 64 19.75 0.36 576 55.06*** < .001
time x sensor 36.15 64 0.56 0.33 576 1.70** .001
Total 2081.39 1299

Visualize the difference

res = testnd.TTestRelated(topography, 'time', match='subject', data=ds_times)
p = plot.Topomap(res, columns=3, title="Normalized topography differences", head_radius=0.35)
Normalized topography differences, 120 ms, 280 ms, (120 ms) - (280 ms)
Permutation test:   0%|          | 0/1023 [00:00<?, ? permutations/s]
Permutation test: 100%|██████████| 1023/1023 [00:00<00:00, 11240.36 permutations/s]


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 6.067 seconds)

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