Dataset basics

# Author: Christian Brodbeck <>
from eelbrain import *
import numpy

A dataset can be constructed column by column, by adding one variable after another:

# initialize an empty Dataset:
ds = Dataset()
# numeric values are added as Var object:
ds['y'] = Var(numpy.random.normal(0, 1, 6))
# categorical data as represented in Factors:
ds['a'] = Factor(['a', 'b', 'c'], repeat=2)
# A variable that's equal in all cases can be assigned quickly:
ds[:, 'z'] = 0.
# check the result:
# y a z
0 -0.92083 a 0
1 0.33723 a 0
2 -1.2423 b 0
3 -0.67979 b 0
4 0.64146 c 0
5 1.504 c 0

For larger datasets it can be more convenient to print only the first few cases…

# y a z
0 -0.92083 a 0
1 0.33723 a 0
2 -1.2423 b 0
3 -0.67979 b 0
4 0.64146 c 0
5 1.504 c 0

… or a summary of variables:

Key Type Values
y Var -1.24233, -0.920828, -0.679789, 0.337232, 0.641463, 1.50401
a Factor a:2, b:2, c:2
z Var 0:6
Dataset: 6 cases

An alternative way of constructing a dataset is case by case (i.e., row by row):

rows = []
for i in range(6):
    subject = f'S{i}'
    y = numpy.random.normal(0, 1)
    a = 'abc'[i % 3]
    rows.append([subject, y, a])
ds = Dataset.from_caselist(['subject', 'y', 'a'], rows, random='subject')
# subject y a
0 S0 0.70615 a
1 S1 1.2669 b
2 S2 -1.0549 c
3 S3 -0.96541 a
4 S4 0.56768 b
5 S5 -0.43722 c


Below is a simple example using data objects (for more, see the Examples):

y = numpy.empty(21)
y[:14] = numpy.random.normal(0, 1, 14)
y[14:] = numpy.random.normal(2, 1, 7)
ds = Dataset({
    'a': Factor('abc', 'A', repeat=7),
    'y': Var(y, 'Y'),
# a y
0 a -0.8095
1 a 0.48318
2 a 0.63569
3 a -2.4486
4 a 0.54863
5 a 0.011343
6 a 0.80284
7 b -0.72617
8 b -0.59264
9 b 1.0033
10 b 0.94024
11 b -0.42219
12 b 1.1817
13 b 0.01647
14 c 1.1617
15 c 0.45187
16 c 1.1425
17 c 3.8858
18 c 2.192
19 c 1.5811
20 c 2.6167

table.frequencies('a', data=ds)
# a n
0 a 7
1 b 7
2 c 7

test.ANOVA('y', 'a', data=ds)
SS df MS F p
a 15.75 2 7.87 7.06** .005
Residuals 20.06 18 1.11
Total 35.81 20

test.pairwise('y', 'a', data=ds, corr='Hochberg')

Pairwise T-Tests (independent samples)

b c
a t12 = -0.58
p = .575
pc = .575
t12 = -3.20*
p = .008
pc = .027
b t12 = -3.12*
p = .009
pc = .027
(* Corrected after Hochberg, 1988)

t = test.pairwise('y', 'a', data=ds, corr='Hochberg')
 & b & c \\
a & $t_{12} = -0.58^{   \ \ \ }$\\
$p = .575$\\
$p_{c} = .575$ & $t_{12} = -3.20^{*  \ \ }$\\
$p = .008$\\
$p_{c} = .027$ \\
b &  & $t_{12} = -3.12^{*  \ \ }$\\
$p = .009$\\
$p_{c} = .027$ \\
p = plot.Boxplot('y', 'a', data=ds, title="My Boxplot", ylabel="value", corr='Hochberg')
My Boxplot

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