
eelbrain.load.fiff.add_epochs(ds, tmin=-0.1, tmax=0.6, baseline=None, decim=1, mult=1, proj=False, data=None, reject=None, exclude='bads', info=None, name='meg', raw=None, sensors=None, i_start='i_start', sysname=None, tstop=None)

Load epochs and add them to a dataset as NDVar.

Unless the reject argument is specified, ds is modified in place. With reject, a subset of ds is returned containing only those events for which data was loaded.

ds : Dataset

Dataset containing a variable which defines epoch cues (i_start) and to which the epochs are added.

tmin : scalar

First sample to include in the epochs in seconds (Default is -0.1).

tmax : scalar

Last sample to include in the epochs in seconds (Default 0.6; use tstop instead to specify index exclusive of last sample).

baseline : tuple(tmin, tmax) | None

Time interval for baseline correction. Tmin/tmax in seconds, or None to use all the data (e.g., (None, 0) uses all the data from the beginning of the epoch up to t=0). baseline=None for no baseline correction (default).

decim : int

Downsample the data by this factor when importing. 1 means no downsampling. Note that this function does not low-pass filter the data. The data is downsampled by picking out every n-th sample (see Wikipedia).

mult : scalar

multiply all data by a constant.

proj : bool

mne.Epochs kwarg (subtract projections when loading data)

data : ‘eeg’ | ‘mag’ | ‘grad’

Which data channels data to include (default based on channels in data).

reject : None | scalar

Threshold for rejecting epochs (peak to peak). Requires a for of mne-python which implements the Epochs.model[‘index’] variable.

exclude : list of string | str

Channels to exclude (mne.pick_types() kwarg). If ‘bads’ (default), exclude channels in info[‘bads’]. If empty do not exclude any.

info : None | dict

Entries for the ndvar’s info dict.

name : str

name for the new NDVar.

raw : None | mne Raw

Raw file providing the data; if None,['raw'] is used.

sensors : None | Sensor

The default (None) reads the sensor locations from the fiff file. If the fiff file contains incorrect sensor locations, a different Sensor instance can be supplied through this kwarg.

i_start : str

name of the variable containing the index of the events.

sysname : str

Name of the sensor system to load sensor connectivity (e.g. ‘neuromag’, inferred automatically for KIT data converted with a recent version of MNE-Python).

tstop : scalar

Alternative to tmax: While tmax specifies the last samples to include, tstop can be used to specify the epoch time excluding the last time point (i.e., standard Python/Eelbrain indexing convention). For example, at 100 Hz the epoch with tmin=-0.1, tmax=0.4 will have 51 samples, while the epoch specified with tmin=-0.1, tstop=0.4 will have 50 samples.

ds : Dataset

Dataset containing the epochs. If no events are rejected, ds is the same object as the input ds argument, otherwise a copy of it.