
eelbrain.test.ttest(y, x=None, against=0, match=None, sub=None, corr='Hochberg', title='{desc}', ds=None)

T-tests for one or more samples

y : Var

Dependent variable

x : None | categorial

Perform tests separately for all categories in x.

against : scalar | str | tuple

Baseline against which to test (scalar or category in x).

match : None | Factor

Repeated measures factor.

sub : index

Only use part of the data.

corr : None | ‘hochberg’ | ‘bonferroni’ | ‘holm’

Method for multiple comparison correction (default ‘hochberg’).

title : str

Title for the table.

ds : None | Dataset

If a Dataset is given, all data-objects can be specified as names of Dataset variables

table : FMText Table

Table with results.