
class eelbrain.plot.ColorGrid(row_cells, column_cells, colors, size=None, column_label_position='top', row_first=None, labels=None, shape='box', *args, **kwargs)

Plot colors for a two-way design in a grid

row_cells : tuple of str

Cells contained in the rows.

column_cells : tuple of str

Cells contained in the columns.

colors : dict

Colors for cells.

size : scalar

Size (width and height) of the color squares (the default is to scale them to fit the font size).

column_label_position : ‘top’ | ‘bottom’

Where to place the column labels (default is ‘top’).

row_first : bool

Whether the row cell precedes the column cell in color keys. By default this is inferred from the existing keys.

labels : dict (optional)

Condition labels that are used instead of the keys in row_cells and column_cells.

shape : ‘box’ | ‘line’

Shape for color samples (default ‘box’).

Also accepts General layout parameters.

column_labels : list of matplotlib.text.Text

Column labels.

row_labels : list of matplotlib.text.Text

Row labels.


add_hline(self, y[, axes]) Draw a horizontal line on one or more axes
add_hspan(self, bottom, top[, axes]) Draw a horizontal bar on one or more axes
add_vline(self, x[, axes]) Draw a vertical line on one or more axes
add_vspan(self, xmin, xmax[, axes]) Draw a vertical bar on one or more axes
close(self) Close the figure.
draw(self) (Re-)draw the figure (after making manual changes).
draw_crosshairs(self[, enable]) Draw crosshairs under the cursor
image(self[, name, format]) Create FMTXT Image from the figure
save(self, *args, **kwargs) Short-cut for Matplotlib’s savefig()
set_name(self, name) Set the figure window title
set_xlabel(self, label[, ax]) Set the label for the x-axis
set_xtick_rotation(self, rotation) Rotate every x-axis tick-label by an angle (counterclockwise, in degrees)
set_ylabel(self, label[, ax]) Set the label for the y-axis