
MneExperiment.make_ica_selection(self, epoch=None, decim=None, session=None, **state)

Select ICA components to remove through a GUI

epoch : str

Epoch to use for visualization in the GUI (default is to use the raw data).

decim : int

Downsample data for visualization (to improve GUI performance; for raw data, the default is ~100 Hz, for epochs the default is the epoch setting).

session : str | list of str

One or more sessions for which to plot the raw data (this parameter can not be used together with epoch; default is the session in the current state).

State parameters.


Computing ICA decomposition can take a while. In order to precompute the decomposition for all subjects before doing the selection use make_ica() in a loop as in:

>>> for subject in e:
...     e.make_ica()