- eelbrain.gui.select_epochs(ds, data='meg', accept='accept', blink='blink', tag='rej_tag', trigger='trigger', path=None, nplots=None, topo=None, mean=None, vlim=None, color='k', lw=0.5, mark=None, mcolor='r', mlw=0.8, antialiased=True, pos=None, size=None, allow_interpolation=True)
GUI for rejecting trials of MEG/EEG data
- Parameters:
ds (Dataset | BaseEpochs) – The data for which to select trials. If
is aDataset
, the subsequent parameters up to ‘trigger’ specify names of variables inds
; ifds
is anmne.Epochs
object, these parameters are (str) – Name of the epochs data in
).accept (str) – Name of the boolean
to accept or reject epochs (default'accept'
).blink (str) – Name of the eye tracker data in
if present (default'blink'
).tag (str) – Name of the rejection tag (storing the reason for rejecting a specific epoch; default
).trigger (str) – Name of the
containing the event trigger for each epoch (used when loading a rejection file to assert that it comes from the same data; default'trigger'
).path (Path | str) – Path to the desired rejection file. If the file already exists it is loaded as starting values. The extension determines the format (
).nplots (int | Tuple[int, int]) – Number of epoch plots per page. Can be an
to produce a square layout with that many epochs, or an(n_rows, n_columns)
tuple. The default is to use the settings from the last session.topo (bool) – Show a topomap plot of the time point under the mouse cursor. Default (None): use settings form last session.
mean (bool) – Show a plot of the page mean at the bottom right of the page. Default (None): use settings form last session.
vlim (float) – Limit of the epoch plots on the y-axis. If None, a value is determined automatically to show all data.
color (matplotlib color) – Color for primary data (default is black).
lw (float) – Linewidth for normal sensor plots.
mark (None | index for sensor dim) – Sensors to plot as individual traces with a separate color.
mcolor (matplotlib color) – Color for marked traces.
mlw (float) – Line width for marked sensor plots.
antialiased (bool) – Perform Antialiasing on epoch plots (associated with a minor speed cost).
pos (Tuple[int, int]) – Window position on screen. Default (None): use settings form last session.
size (Tuple[int, int]) – Window size on screen. Default (None): use settings form last session.
allow_interpolation (bool) – Whether to allow interpolating individual channels by epoch (default True).
Exclude bad epochs and interpolate or remove bad channels.
Use the Bad Channels button in the toolbar to exclude channels from analysis (use the GA button to plot the grand average and look for channels that are consistently bad).
Click the Threshold button to automatically reject epochs in which the signal exceeds a certain threshold.
Click on an epoch plot to toggle rejection of that epoch.
on the keyboard to toggle channel interpolation for the channel that is closest to the cursor along the y-axis.Press
on the keyboard to edit a list of interpolated channels for the epoch under the cursor.
Keyboard shortcuts in addition to the ones in the menu:
go to the next page
go to the previous page
butterfly plot of the epoch under the pointer
pairwise sensor correlation plot or the current epoch
topomap plot of the epoch/time point under the pointer
interpolate the channel nearest to the pointer on the y-axis
open dialog to enter channels for interpolation