
eelbrain.gui.select_epochs(ds, data='meg', accept='accept', blink='blink', tag='rej_tag', trigger='trigger', path=None, nplots=None, topo=None, mean=None, vlim=None, color='k', lw=0.5, mark=None, mcolor='r', mlw=0.8, antialiased=True, pos=None, size=None, allow_interpolation=True)

GUI for rejecting trials of MEG/EEG data

  • ds (Dataset | BaseEpochs) – The data for which to select trials. If ds is a Dataset, the subsequent parameters up to ‘trigger’ specify names of variables in ds; if ds is an mne.Epochs object, these parameters are ignored.

  • data (str) – Name of the epochs data in ds (default 'meg').

  • accept (str) – Name of the boolean Var in ds to accept or reject epochs (default 'accept').

  • blink (str) – Name of the eye tracker data in ds if present (default 'blink').

  • tag (str) – Name of the rejection tag (storing the reason for rejecting a specific epoch; default 'rej_tag').

  • trigger (str) – Name of the int Var containing the event trigger for each epoch (used when loading a rejection file to assert that it comes from the same data; default 'trigger').

  • path (Path | str) – Path to the desired rejection file. If the file already exists it is loaded as starting values. The extension determines the format (*.pickle or *.txt).

  • nplots (int | Tuple[int, int]) – Number of epoch plots per page. Can be an int to produce a square layout with that many epochs, or an (n_rows, n_columns) tuple. The default is to use the settings from the last session.

  • topo (bool) – Show a topomap plot of the time point under the mouse cursor. Default (None): use settings form last session.

  • mean (bool) – Show a plot of the page mean at the bottom right of the page. Default (None): use settings form last session.

  • vlim (float) – Limit of the epoch plots on the y-axis. If None, a value is determined automatically to show all data.

  • color (matplotlib color) – Color for primary data (default is black).

  • lw (float) – Linewidth for normal sensor plots.

  • mark (None | index for sensor dim) – Sensors to plot as individual traces with a separate color.

  • mcolor (matplotlib color) – Color for marked traces.

  • mlw (float) – Line width for marked sensor plots.

  • antialiased (bool) – Perform Antialiasing on epoch plots (associated with a minor speed cost).

  • pos (Tuple[int, int]) – Window position on screen. Default (None): use settings form last session.

  • size (Tuple[int, int]) – Window size on screen. Default (None): use settings form last session.

  • allow_interpolation (bool) – Whether to allow interpolating individual channels by epoch (default True).


Exclude bad epochs and interpolate or remove bad channels.

  • Use the Bad Channels button in the toolbar to exclude channels from analysis (use the GA button to plot the grand average and look for channels that are consistently bad).

  • Click the Threshold button to automatically reject epochs in which the signal exceeds a certain threshold.

  • Click on an epoch plot to toggle rejection of that epoch.

  • Press i on the keyboard to toggle channel interpolation for the channel that is closest to the cursor along the y-axis.

  • Press shift-i on the keyboard to edit a list of interpolated channels for the epoch under the cursor.

Keyboard shortcuts in addition to the ones in the menu:




go to the next page


go to the previous page


butterfly plot of the epoch under the pointer


pairwise sensor correlation plot or the current epoch


topomap plot of the epoch/time point under the pointer


interpolate the channel nearest to the pointer on the y-axis


open dialog to enter channels for interpolation