
class eelbrain.plot.SensorMap(sensors, labels='name', proj='default', size=1, color='k', marker='.', mark=None, head_radius=None, head_pos=0, connectivity=False, **kwargs)

Plot sensor positions in 2 dimensions

  • sensors (Sensor | NDVar) – The Sensor dimension, or an NDVar with a sensor dimension.

  • labels (Literal['none', 'index', 'name', 'fullname']) – Content of the labels. For ‘name’, any prefix common to all names is removed; with ‘fullname’, the full name is shown.

  • proj (str) – Transform to apply to 3 dimensional sensor coordinates for plotting locations in a plane

  • size (scalar) – Size for the sensor markers.

  • color (matplotlib color) – Color for the sensor markers.

  • marker (str) – Marker for the sensor positions.

  • mark (None | list of int) – List of sensor indices to mark.

  • head_radius (scalar | tuple | True) – Radius of the head outline drawn over sensors (on sensor plots with normalized positions, 0.45 is the outline of the topomap); 0 to plot no outline; tuple for separate (right, anterior) radius. True to be equal to plot.Topomap with method="mne". The default is determined automatically.

  • head_pos (scalar) – Head outline position along the anterior axis (0 is the center, 0.5 is the top end of the plot).

  • connectivity (bool) – Show sensor connectivity (default False).

  • ... – Also accepts General layout parameters.


add_hline(y[, axes])

Draw a horizontal line on one or more axes

add_hspan(bottom, top[, axes])

Draw a horizontal bar on one or more axes

add_vline(x[, axes])

Draw a vertical line on one or more axes

add_vspan(xmin, xmax[, axes])

Draw a vertical bar on one or more axes


Close the figure.


(Re-)draw the figure (after making manual changes).


Draw crosshairs under the cursor


Draw the outline of the figure

image([name, format, close])

Create FMTXT Image from the figure

mark_sensors(sensors[, axis])

Mark given sensors on the plots


Remove all sensor markers.

save(*args, **kwargs)

Short-cut for Matplotlib's savefig()


Move overlapping labels apart along the x axis



Add/remove sensor labels


Set the figure window title

set_xlabel(label[, ax])

Set the label for the x-axis


Rotate every x-axis tick-label by an angle (counterclockwise, in degrees)

set_ylabel(label[, ax])

Set the label for the y-axis


Show the sensor connectivity as lines connecting sensors.