- Brain.plot_colorbar(label=True, label_position=None, label_rotation=None, clipmin=None, clipmax=None, orientation='horizontal', width=None, ticks=None, layer=None, *args, **kwargs)
Plot a colorbar corresponding to the displayed data
- Parameters:
label (str | bool) – Label for the x-axis (default is based on the data).
label_position ('left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom') – Position of the axis label. Valid values depend on orientation.
label_rotation (scalar) – Angle of the label in degrees (For horizontal colorbars, the default is 0; for vertical colorbars, the default is 0 for labels of 3 characters and shorter, and 90 for longer labels).
clipmin (scalar) – Clip the color-bar below this value.
clipmax (scalar) – Clip the color-bar above this value.
orientation ('horizontal' | 'vertical') – Orientation of the bar (default is horizontal).
width (scalar) – Width of the color-bar in inches.
ticks ({float: str} dict | sequence of float) – Customize tick-labels on the colormap; either a dictionary with tick-locations and labels, or a sequence of tick locations.
layer (int) – If the brain contains multiple data layers, plot a colorbar for only one (int in the order ndvars were added; default is to plot colorbars for all layers).
- Returns:
colorbar – ColorBar plot object (list of colorbars if more than one data layer are present).
- Return type:
| list