
MneExperiment.make_mov_ga_dspm(subjects=None, baseline=True, src_baseline=False, fmin=2, surf=None, views=None, hemi=None, time_dilation=4.0, foreground=None, background=None, smoothing_steps=None, dst=None, redo=False, **state)

Make a grand average movie from dSPM values (requires PySurfer 0.6)

  • subjects (str | 1 | -1) – Subject(s) for which to load data. Can be a single subject name or a group name such as 'all'. 1 to use the current subject; -1 for the current group. Default is current subject (or group if group is specified).

  • baseline (bool | tuple) – Apply baseline correction using this period in sensor space. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification (default).

  • src_baseline (bool | tuple) – Apply baseline correction using this period in source space. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification. The default is to not apply baseline correction.

  • fmin (scalar) – Minimum dSPM value to draw (default 2). fmax is 3 * fmin.

  • surf (str) – Surface on which to plot data.

  • views (str | tuple of str) – View(s) of the brain to include in the movie.

  • hemi ('lh' | 'rh' | 'both' | 'split') – Which hemispheres to plot.

  • time_dilation (scalar) – Factor by which to slow the passage of time. For example, with time_dilation=4 (the default) a segment of data for 500 ms will last 2 s.

  • foreground (mayavi color) – Figure foreground color (i.e., the text color).

  • background (mayavi color) – Figure background color.

  • smoothing_steps (None | int) – Number of smoothing steps if data is spatially undersampled (pysurfer Brain.add_data() argument).

  • dst (str (optional)) – Path to save the movie. The default is a file in the results folder with a name determined based on the input data. Plotting parameters (view and all subsequent parameters) are not included in the filename. “~” is expanded to the user’s home folder.

  • redo (bool) – Make the movie even if the target file exists already.

  • ... – State parameters.