
MneExperiment.plot_evoked(subjects=None, separate=False, baseline=True, ylim='same', run=None, **kwargs)

Plot evoked sensor data

  • subjects (str | 1 | -1) – Subject(s) for which to load data. Can be a single subject name or a group name such as 'all'. 1 to use the current subject; -1 for the current group. Default is current subject (or group if group is specified).

  • separate (bool) – When plotting a group, plot all subjects separately instead or the group average (default False).

  • baseline (bool | tuple) – Apply baseline correction using this period. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification (default).

  • ylim ('same' | 'different') – Use the same or different y-axis limits for different subjects (default ‘same’).

  • run (bool) – Run the GUI after plotting (default in accordance with plotting default).

  • .. – State parameters.