
MneExperiment.make_report(test, parc=None, mask=None, pmin=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, samples=10000, baseline=True, src_baseline=None, include=0.2, redo=False, **state)

Create an HTML report on spatio-temporal clusters

  • test (str) – Test for which to create a report (entry in MneExperiment.tests).

  • parc (None | str) – Find clusters in each label of parc (as opposed to the whole brain).

  • mask (None | str) – Parcellation to apply as mask. Can only be specified if parc==None.

  • pmin (None | scalar, 1 > pmin > 0 | 'tfce') – Equivalent p-value for cluster threshold, or ‘tfce’ for threshold-free cluster enhancement.

  • tstart (scalar) – Beginning of the time window for the test in seconds (default is the beginning of the epoch).

  • tstop (scalar) – End of the time window for the test in seconds (default is the end of the epoch).

  • samples (int > 0) – Number of samples used to determine cluster p values for spatio- temporal clusters (default 10,000).

  • baseline (bool | tuple) – Apply baseline correction using this period in sensor space. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification (default).

  • src_baseline (bool | tuple) – Apply baseline correction using this period in source space. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification. The default is to not apply baseline correction.

  • include (0 < scalar <= 1) – Create plots for all clusters with p-values smaller or equal this value.

  • redo (bool) – If the target file already exists, delete and recreate it. This only applies to the HTML result file, not to the test.

  • .. – State parameters.

See also


load corresponding data and tests