
MneExperiment.load_epochs(subjects=None, baseline=False, ndvar=True, add_bads=True, reject=True, cat=None, samplingrate=None, decim=None, pad=0, data_raw=False, vardef=None, data='sensor', trigger_shift=True, tmin=None, tmax=None, tstop=None, interpolate_bads=False, **state)

Load a Dataset with epochs for a given epoch definition

  • subjects (str | 1 | -1) – Subject(s) for which to load data. Can be a single subject name or a group name such as 'all'. 1 to use the current subject; -1 for the current group. Default is current subject (or group if group is specified).

  • baseline (bool | tuple) – Apply baseline correction using this period. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification. The default is to not apply baseline correction.

  • ndvar (bool | 'both') – Convert epochs to an NDVar (named ‘meg’ for MEG data and ‘eeg’ for EEG data). Use ‘both’ to include NDVar and MNE Epochs.

  • add_bads (bool | list) – Add bad channel information to the Raw. If True, bad channel information is retrieved from the bad channels file. Alternatively, a list of bad channels can be specified.

  • reject (bool | 'keep') – Reject bad trials. If True (default), bad trials are removed from the Dataset. Set to False to ignore the trial rejection. Set reject='keep' to load the rejection (added it to the events as 'accept' variable), but keep bad trails.

  • cat (sequence of cell-names) – Only load data for these cells (cells of model).

  • samplingrate (int) – Samplingrate in Hz for the analysis (default is specified in epoch definition).

  • decim (int) – Data decimation factor (alternative to samplingrate).

  • pad (scalar) – Pad the epochs with this much time (in seconds; e.g. for spectral analysis).

  • data_raw (bool) – Keep the instance in['raw'] (default False).

  • vardef (str) – Name of a test defining additional variables.

  • data (str) – Data to load; ‘sensor’ to load all sensor data (default); ‘sensor.rms’ to return RMS over sensors. Only applies to NDVar output.

  • trigger_shift (bool) – Apply post-baseline trigger-shift if it applies to the epoch (default True).

  • tmin (scalar) – Override the epoch’s tmin parameter.

  • tmax (scalar) – Override the epoch’s tmax parameter.

  • tstop (scalar) – Override the epoch’s tmax parameter as exclusive tstop.

  • interpolate_bads (bool) – Interpolate channels marked as bad for the whole recording (useful when comparing topographies across subjects; default False).

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    Applicable State Parameters: