
NDVar.mean(dims=(), **regions)

Compute the mean over given dimensions

  • dims (str | tuple of str | boolean NDVar) – Dimensions over which to operate. A str is used to specify a single dimension, a tuple of str to specify several dimensions, None to compute the mean over all dimensions. A boolean NDVar with the same dimensions as the data can be used to compute the mean in specific elements (if the data has a case dimension, the mean is computed for each case).

  • **regions – Regions over which to aggregate. For example, to get the mean between time=0.1 and time=0.2, use ndvar.mean(time=(0.1, 0.2)).

  • name (str) – Name of the output NDVar (default is the current name).


mean – The mean over specified dimensions. Return a Var if only the case dimension remains, and a float if the function collapses over all data.

Return type

NDVar | Var | float