
class eelbrain.plot.Timeplot(y, time, categories=None, match=None, sub=None, ds=None, main=<function mean>, error='sem', x_jitter=False, bottom=None, top=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, timelabels=None, legend='upper right', labels=None, colors=None, **kwargs)

Plot a variable over time

  • y (Union[Var, str]) – Dependent variable.

  • time (Union[Var, str, Factor, Interaction, NestedEffect]) – Variable assigning the time to each case.

  • categories (Union[Factor, Interaction, NestedEffect, str, None]) – Plot y separately for different categories.

  • match (Union[Factor, Interaction, NestedEffect, str, None]) – Match cases for a repeated measures design.

  • sub (Union[Var, ndarray, str, None]) – Use a subset of the data.

  • ds (Optional[Dataset]) – If a Dataset is specified, all data-objects can be specified as names of Dataset variables

  • main (numpy function) – draw lines to connect values across time (default: np.mean). Can be ‘bar’ for barplots or False.

  • error (str) – How to indicate estimate error. For complete within-subject designs, the within-subject measures are displayed (see Loftus & Masson, 1994). Options: ‘box’: boxplots; ‘[x]sem’: x standard error of the means (e.g. ‘sem’, ‘2sem’); ‘[x]std’: x standard deviations.

  • x_jitter (bool) – When plotting error bars, jitter their location on the x-axis to increase readability.

  • bottom (scalar) – Lower end of the y axis (default is 0).

  • top (scalar) – Upper end of the y axis (default is determined from the data).

  • xlabel (Union[bool, str]) – X-axis label. By default the label is inferred from the data.

  • ylabel (Union[bool, str]) – Y-axis label. By default the label is inferred from the data.

  • timelabels (sequence | dict | 'all') – Labels for the x (time) axis. Exact labels can be specified in the form of a list of labels corresponsing to all unique values of time, or a {time_value: label} dictionary. For ‘all’, all values of time are marked. The default is normal matplotlib ticks.

  • legend (str | int | 'fig' | None) – Matplotlib figure legend location argument or ‘fig’ to plot the legend in a separate figure.

  • labels (dict) – Alternative labels for legend as {cell: label} dictionary (preserves order).

  • colors (str | list | dict) – Colors for the categories. str: A colormap name; cells are mapped onto the colormap in regular intervals. list: A list of colors in the same sequence as the cells. dict: A dictionary mapping each cell to a color. Colors are specified as matplotlib compatible color arguments.

  • .. – Also accepts General layout parameters.


add_hline(y[, axes])

Draw a horizontal line on one or more axes

add_hspan(bottom, top[, axes])

Draw a horizontal bar on one or more axes

add_vline(x[, axes])

Draw a vertical line on one or more axes

add_vspan(xmin, xmax[, axes])

Draw a vertical bar on one or more axes


Close the figure.


(Re-)draw the figure (after making manual changes).


Draw crosshairs under the cursor


image([name, format, close])

Create FMTXT Image from the figure

plot_legend([loc, labels])

Plot the legend (or remove it from the figure).

save(*args, **kwargs)

Short-cut for Matplotlib’s savefig()

save_legend(*args, **kwargs)

Save the legend as image file


Set the figure window title

set_xlabel(label[, ax])

Set the label for the x-axis


Rotate every x-axis tick-label by an angle (counterclockwise, in degrees)

set_ylabel(label[, ax])

Set the label for the y-axis

set_ylim([bottom, top])

Set the y-axis limits