
class eelbrain.NDVar(x, dims, name=None, info=None)

Container for n-dimensional data.

  • x (array_like) – The data.

  • dims (Sequence of Dimension) – The dimensions characterizing the axes of the data. If present, Case should always occupy the first position.

  • name (str) – Name for the NDVar.

  • info (dict) – A dictionary with data properties (can contain arbitrary information that will be accessible in the info attribute).


An NDVar consists of the following components:

  • A numpy.ndarray, stored in the x attribute.

  • Meta-information describing each axis of the array using a Dimension object (for example, UTS for uniform time series, or Sensor for a sensor array). These dimensions are stored in the dims attribute, with the ith element of dims describing the ith axis of x.

  • A dictionary containing other meta-information stored in the info attribute.

  • A name stored in the name attribute.

NDVar objects support the native abs() and round() functions.

Indexing: For classical indexing, indexes need to be provided in the correct sequence. For example, assuming ndvar’s first axis is time, ndvar[0.1] retrieves a slice at time = 0.1 s. If time is the second axis, the same can be achieved with ndvar[:, 0.1]. In NDVar.sub(), dimensions can be specified as keywords, for example, ndvar.sub(time=0.1), regardless of which axis represents the time dimension.

Shallow copies: When generating a derived NDVars, x and dims are generated without copying data whenever possible. A shallow copy of info is stored. This means that modifying a derived NDVar in place can affect the NDVar it was derived from. When indexing an NDVar, the new NDVar will contain a view on the data whenever possible based on the underlying array (See NumPy Indexing). This only matters when explicitly modifying an NDVar in place (e.g., ndvar += 1) because NDVar methods that return NDVars never implicitly modify the original NDVars in place (see this note).


Create an NDVar for 600 time series of 80 time points each:

>>> data.shape
(600, 80)
>>> time = UTS(-.2, .01, 80)
>>> ndvar = NDVar(data, dims=(Case, time))

Baseline correction:

>>> ndvar -= ndvar.mean(time=(None, 0))



Compute the absolute values

aggregate([x, func, name])

Summarize data in each cell of x.


Whether all values are nonzero over given dimensions


Compute presence of any value other than zero over given dimensions


Find the index of the largest value.


Find the index of the smallest value.



Copy of the NDVar with data cast to the specified type

bin([step, start, stop, func, dim, name, …])

Bin the data along a given dimension (default 'time')

clip([min, max, name, out])

Clip data (see numpy.clip())


A deep copy of the NDVar’s data

diff([dim, n, pad, name])

Discrete difference

dot(ndvar[, dim, name])

Dot product

envelope([dim, name])

Compute the Hilbert envelope of a signal


Extrema (value farthest away from 0) over given dimensions

fft([dim, name])

Fast fourier transform


Return indices where a 1-d NDVar is non-zero


Return the data axis for a given dimension name

get_data(dims[, mask])

Retrieve the NDVar’s data with a specific axes order.


Return the Dimension object named name

get_dimnames([names, first, last])

Fill in a partially specified tuple of Dimension names

get_dims([names, first, last])

Return a tuple with the requested Dimension objects


Retriev the mask as NDVar


label_clusters([threshold, tail, name])

Find and label clusters of values exceeding a threshold

log([base, name])

Element-wise log

mask(mask[, name, missing])

Create a masked version of this NDVar (see


Compute the maximum over given dimensions


Compute the mean over given dimensions


Compute the minimum over given dimensions


Return indices where the NDVar is non-zero

norm(dim[, ord, name])

Norm over dim

ols(x[, name])

Sample-wise ordinary least squares regressions

ols_t(x[, name])

Compute T-values for sample-wise ordinary least squares regressions

quantile([q, dims, interpolation])

The value such that q of the NDVar’s values are lower

rename_dim(dim, to[, name])

Rename one of the dimensions

repeat(repeats[, name])

Repeat slices of the NDVar along the case dimension

residuals(x[, name])

The residuals of sample-wise ordinary least squares regressions


Compute the root mean square over given dimensions


Element-wise indication of the sign

smooth(dim[, window_size, window, mode, …])

Smooth data by convolving it with a window


Compute the standard deviation over given dimensions

sub(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieve a slice through the NDVar.


Compute the sum over given dimensions

summary(*dims, **regions)

Aggregate specified dimensions.

threshold(v[, tail, name])

Set all values below a threshold to 0.


Remove mask from a masked NDVar

var([dims, ddof])

Compute the variance over given dimensions

zeros(dims[, name, info])

A new NDVar initialized with 0