
class eelbrain.pipeline.PrimaryEpoch(session, sel=None, **kwargs)

Epoch based on selecting events from a raw file

session : str

Session (raw file) from which to load data.

sel : str

Expression which evaluates in the events Dataset to the index of the events included in this Epoch specification.

tmin : float

Start of the epoch (default -0.1).

tmax : float

End of the epoch (default 0.6).

samplingrate : scalar

Target samplingrate. Needs to divide data samplingrate evenly (e.g. 200 for data sampled at 1000 Hz; default 200).

decim : int

Alternative to samplingrate. Decimate the data by this factor (i.e., only keep every decim’th sample).

baseline : tuple

The baseline of the epoch (default (None, 0); if tmin > 0: no baseline; if tmax < 0: the whole interval).

n_cases : int

Expected number of epochs. If n_cases is defined, a RuntimeError error will be raised whenever the actual number of matching events is different.

trigger_shift : float | str

Shift event triggers before extracting the data [in seconds]. Can be a float to shift all triggers by the same value, or a str indicating an event variable that specifies the trigger shift for each trigger separately. The trigger_shift applied after loading selected events. For secondary epochs the trigger_shift is applied additively with the trigger_shift of their base epoch.

post_baseline_trigger_shift : str

Shift the trigger (i.e., where epoch time = 0) after baseline correction. The value of this entry has to be the name of an event variable providing for each epoch the actual amount of time shift (in seconds). If the post_baseline_trigger_shift parameter is specified, the parameters post_baseline_trigger_shift_min and post_baseline_trigger_shift_max are also needed, specifying the smallest and largest possible shift. These are used to crop the resulting epochs appropriately, to the region from new_tmin = epoch['tmin'] - post_baseline_trigger_shift_min to new_tmax = epoch['tmax'] - post_baseline_trigger_shift_max.

vars : dict

Add new variables only for this epoch. Each entry specifies a variable with the following schema: {name: definition}. definition can be either a string that is evaluated in the events-Dataset`, or a (source_name, {value: code})-tuple. source_name can also be an interaction, in which case cells are joined with spaces ("f1_cell f2_cell").


Selecting events based on a categorial label:

PrimaryEpoch('session', "variable == 'label'")

Based on multiple categorial labels:

PrimaryEpoch('session', "variable.isin(['label1', 'label2'])")