
MneExperiment.plot_annot(self, parc=None, surf=None, views=None, hemi=None, borders=False, alpha=0.7, w=None, h=None, axw=None, axh=None, foreground=None, background=None, seeds=False, **state)

Plot the annot file on which the current parcellation is based

parc : None | str

Parcellation to plot. If None (default), use parc from the current state.

surf : ‘inflated’ | ‘pial’ | ‘smoothwm’ | ‘sphere’ | ‘white’

Freesurfer surface to use as brain geometry.

views : str | iterator of str

View or views to show in the figure.

hemi : ‘lh’ | ‘rh’ | ‘both’ | ‘split’

Which hemispheres to plot (default includes hemisphere with more than one label in the annot file).

borders : bool | int

Show only label borders (PySurfer Brain.add_annotation() argument).

alpha : scalar

Alpha of the annotation (1=opaque, 0=transparent, default 0.7).

axw : int

Figure width per hemisphere.

foreground : mayavi color

Figure foreground color (i.e., the text color).

background : mayavi color

Figure background color.

seeds : bool

Plot seeds as points (only applies to seeded parcellations).

State parameters.

brain : Brain

PySurfer Brain with the parcellation plot.

legend : ColorList

ColorList figure with the legend.