
MneExperiment.make_report(self, test, parc=None, mask=None, pmin=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, samples=10000, baseline=True, src_baseline=None, include=0.2, redo=False, **state)

Create an HTML report on spatio-temporal clusters

test : str

Test for which to create a report (entry in MneExperiment.tests).

parc : None | str

Find clusters in each label of parc (as opposed to the whole brain).

mask : None | str

Parcellation to apply as mask. Can only be specified if parc==None.

pmin : None | scalar, 1 > pmin > 0 | ‘tfce’

Equivalent p-value for cluster threshold, or ‘tfce’ for threshold-free cluster enhancement.

tstart : scalar

Beginning of the time window for the test in seconds (default is the beginning of the epoch).

tstop : scalar

End of the time window for the test in seconds (default is the end of the epoch).

samples : int > 0

Number of samples used to determine cluster p values for spatio- temporal clusters (default 10,000).

baseline : bool | tuple

Apply baseline correction using this period in sensor space. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification (default).

src_baseline : bool | tuple

Apply baseline correction using this period in source space. True to use the epoch’s baseline specification. The default is to not apply baseline correction.

include : 0 < scalar <= 1

Create plots for all clusters with p-values smaller or equal this value.

redo : bool

If the target file already exists, delete and recreate it. This only applies to the HTML result file, not to the test.

State parameters.

See also

load corresponding data and tests