
NDVar.bin(self, step=None, start=None, stop=None, func=None, dim=None, name=None, nbins=None, label='center')

Bin the data along a given dimension (default 'time')

step : scalar

Time step between bins.

start : None | scalar

Earliest time point (default is from the beginning).

stop : None | scalar

End of the data to use (the default is to use as many whole tstep intervals as fit in the data).

func : callable | str

How to summarize data in each time bin. Can be the name of a numpy function that takes an axis parameter (e.g., ‘sum’, ‘mean’, ‘max’) or ‘extrema’ which selects the value with the maximum absolute value. The default depends on['meas']: ‘p’: minimum; ‘f’: maximum; ‘t’, ‘r’: extrema; otherwise: mean.

dim : str

Dimension over which to bin. If the NDVar has more than one dimension, the default is 'time'.

name : str

Name of the output NDVar (default is the current name).

nbins : int

Instead of specifying step, nbins can be specified to divide dim into an even number of bins.

label : ‘start’ | ‘center’

How to assign labels to the new bins. For example, with dim='time', the new time axis can assign to each bin either the center or the start time of the bin on the original time axis.

binned_ndvar : NDVar

NDVar with data binned along the time axis (i.e., each time point reflects one time bin).