
MneExperiment.load_induced_stc(subjects=None, frequencies=None, n_cycles=None, pad=0.25, baseline=True, cat=None, morph=False, mask=False, vardef=None, decim=1, **state)

Morlet wavelet induced power and phase in source space.

  • subjects (str | 1 | -1) – Subject(s) for which to load data. Can be a single subject name or a group name such as 'all'. 1 to use the current subject; -1 for the current group. Default is current subject (or group if group is specified).

  • frequencies (float | Sequence[float]) – Frequencies for which to compute induced activity.

  • n_cycles (float | Sequence[float]) – Number of cycles in each wavelet. Fixed number or one per frequency.

  • pad (float) – Pad the epochs data to avoid edge effects in wavelet representation (specified in seconds; default 0.250).

  • baseline (bool | Tuple[float | None, float | None]) – Baseline for the epochs, True to use the epoch’s baseline specification (default).

  • cat (Sequence[str | Tuple[str, ...]]) – Only load data for these cells (cells of model).

  • morph (bool) – Morph the source estimates to the common_brain (default False).

  • mask (bool | str) – Discard data that is labelled unknown by the parcellation. Parcellation name (str) to specify a parcellation, True to use the parc/mask (parcellations) state parameter. Only applies when ndvar=True, default False.

  • vardef (str) – Name of a test defining additional variables.

  • decim (int) – Decimate time-frequency representation (cumulative with epoch decimation factor).

  • ...

    Applicable State Parameters: